The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

It has been a really fun weekend.  We got our new bedroom furniture yesterday and today we have been busy doing Easter activities.  We had bunny pancakes this morning and then dyed Easter eggs.  We also got dressed up and went to the park to take some pictures.  We got some really cute pictures!  We then came home and had an Easter egg hunt in the back yard,  I put little cookies inside the plastic eggs for Jack to find and he loved opening the eggs and finding a sweet surprise.  We would have gotten him some Easter candy, but he is not a big candy his mom :-)

Now Justin is in the kitchen fixing our dinner and I am hanging out with the kids watching My Friends Tigger and Pooh!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ready to meet daddy at work...

One Month!



Friday has arrived

It has been a busy week.  Stacey came in on Saturday and stayed until Tuesday night.  It was fun having her around and helpful to have here here on Monday and Tuesday while Justin was at work.   We have all been adjusting to our new daily schedule and Peyton is doing really well.  She has been staying awake a lot during the day which usually leads to having a good night.  She has been waking up twice to eat usually around 2 and 5 AM.  Last night she slept until 3 before waking up to eat and didn't get up until 6:20 to eat again.  She is still sleeping now and Jack is playing in his room still (which is why I have time to be on the computer).

We are looking forward to tomorrow because the furniture we have waiting for will finally be delivered.  So excited to finish up Peyton's room and have our new bedroom set!

I have been trying to upload more videos and will post more pictures after this weekend.  Hope everyone has a nice Easter!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1 month old!!!

Well I have a few minutes while Peyton is napping and Jack is in his room playing to update the blog.  I can't believe that Peyton is one month old today.  It doesn't feel like that much time has passed.  She is getting bigger every day.  She had her check up on Monday and weighed 10 pounds 5 ounces and was 21 and 3/4 inches long.  She is doing really well and knock on wood, has been sleeping in bigger chunk throughout the night. 

Jack is also doing well.  I can't believe that my baby will be turning 3 next month.  He had his school district evaluation and is going to be starting a preschool program in the fall.  We still have to have the official meeting next month to write his goals, so when I have all the details I will update more.  They were pretty sure he would be placed in a PPCD (preschool program for children with disabilities) classroom which would give him the attention he needs. 

I am looking forward to this weekend because my sister will be coming to visit.  This will be her second time seeing Peyton so I am sure she is excited too.  I know Jack will also be excited to see her because he has fun dragging her around and always enjoys having someone new to play with. 

I hope everyone is having a good April and I will try to post again soon.

I also want to say Happy Birthday to my great friend Susan!!!  Miss you and hope to see you again real soon.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Three weeks old...

Peyton is three weeks old today and we have been enjoying every minute with her.  Justin's parents have been here since last week and will be leaving us on Tuesday morning to head back to Illinois.  I have been trying to take advantage of having all the extra help now (like taking a nap in the middle of the day) but will be hit with reality very soon.  Jack is doing really well and adjusting to having a baby sister.  He has enjoyed all the extra attention he has gotten with his grandparents in town, and  I know we will fall into a nice rhythm.

I am going to keep this post short because it is late and little lady is already in bed and in the next few minutes Jack will be going down too.  I will try and upload more pictures this week sometime.  Hope everyone has a nice week!