The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Friday, September 30, 2011

Peyton at 6 months old army crawling

Peyton laughing at mommy

Jack reading a book and says "bye bye"

Jack sings

Jack pretending to talk on the phone at the condo

Jack see the ocean for the first time..MPG

Good Bye September.

So long September, it has been a good month and as usual it feels like it has gone by very quickly.  Justin and I had a great 9th Anniversary on Wednesday (can't believe its been that long).  He surprised me with a dozen red roses and we went out for a family dinner.  It was nice to get the kids out of the house and not to cook (for me) clean dishes (for Justin) on our anniversary :-) 

Jack is finally starting to feel better, but the cough is still hanging on.  If it hasn't cleared up after the weekend I will have to take him back to the doctor.  We are planning on going to an event tomorrow called Touch-a-Truck.  It is were kids can touch and explore all different kinds of vehicles.  I think Jack will really like it since he loves cars!

Peyton is doing really well.  She slept in her room last night and everything is all set up in her room (finally) for her to move in.  I even got all the decorating done this week too.

I am finishing up my 5 week boot camp session on Monday.  I don't know if I will be signing up for a new session right away, but it was a great workout and really fun so hopefully I will get to do it again in the future.  It has gotten me back into workout mode so I will be continuing to workout hopefully 3-4 times a week still. 

I finally found the cord for the video camera so I will be putting up some videos of the kids over the next few days.  Hope every enjoys some of the new pic's and I will post again soon.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Birthday to...

Jeanette!  Today is my mother-in-law's birthday so I wanted to start off by wishing her a happy birthday! 

Well, its been a while since I posted (again) sorry.  The past week has been full of activity.  Last week Jack started off the week with his ear infection and still has a lingering cough that just wont go away, poor guy.   Peyton is getting better at sitting up on her own and can get herself up on her own, if she is near a surface that can give her a little boost.  She is quite the little mover and is really learning how to get around :-)  Last week Peyton and I had three playgroups we attended (one was at our house) and my parents were in town over the weekend.  It was nice to have them here because Justin and I got to go out and have a very nice dinner to celebrate our upcoming anniversary.  Thanks mom and dad for traveling all that way to babysit. 

Saturday we got to go and walk with our neighbors and their family to support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation JDRF.  It was a great event and the weather was perfect! 

The weather here is still pretty warm so I hope that cooler temperatures are in our future.  Hope everyone is having a nice Tuesday!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Half Birthday Peyton!

My baby is 6 months old today.  I was thinking it was tomorrow, but that's because that is when her 6 month check up is scheduled.  So tomorrow is when we will find out how big she is now and all that good stuff.  I put a few pictures up from the last month and today.  I plan on trying to upload some videos I have taken of her and Jack lately, but as usual I can't find the cord for the video camera....I can't ever remember were I put it, AHHH!  I will find it eventually, I aways do, but still just once I want to remember (even when I purposefully try to put it in a safe place) were I put it. 

Jack was so happy to go to school this morning.  He had the biggest smile on his face when I dropped him off which made me so happy!  I have been cleaning the house and getting things ready for a short visit from Justin's best friend Adam.  He is coming today and leaving Thursday morning.  His trip is going to be short but that is because he is moving to NYC so he wanted to come down and visit Justin before he leaves.  So excited for him to see Jack again and meet little lady for the first time. 

So happy that Premier time has arrived.  Looking forward to having new shows to watch!   Parenthood comes back tonight on NBC!

Monday, September 12, 2011

On the move...

It has been a while since I last posted.  Sorry for the short hiatus, but things here have been pretty busy.  Jack is still doing really well in school and is settling into a pretty good routine.  This past Friday we got a great weekly report from his teacher.  He said that Jack had a great week starting Tuesday morning (since we had Monday off for Labor Day) until Friday afternoon.  He also said that he LOVES using the smart board.  I am so proud of him. 

Peyton has discovered how to inch her way around the house.  She hasn't started to traditionally crawl, but she is certainly mastering the army crawl.  When she sees somethings she wants there is no stopping her.  She has been eating rice cereal before bed and just this past weekend she got started eating green beans (she seemed to like them). 

This past weekend we had great weather so I took Jack to the park on Saturday to meet one of his friends for a play date and lunch.  Sunday we spent the day relaxing at home watching the 9-11 tributes and football.  It hard to believe that 10 years has passed.  It was just about a year ago that Justin and I were in New York and had the opportunity to see the memorial site even though it wasn't completed.  It was the saddest place I have ever visited, but I was happy we had a chance to see it and pay our respects.

I hope that everyone has a good week and I plan to upload more photos this week.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Peyton's first tooth!

I just wanted to post a quick update to let everyone know that this past Sunday night I felt Peyton's first tooth.  She was chewing on my finger and I felt something sharp.  I couldn't see anything, but today when I was looking I could start to see were its breaking though.  It is her bottom right tooth! 

Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!