The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Friday, August 30, 2013

First week of school, Korea & Labor Day

So the title might look like one of those "one of these things is not like the other one" statements, but it's the best description of what's happening in the life of the Griggs Family right now. 

Jack is currently finishing up his first week of kindergarten and over all it has been a really great week. He has been doing really well getting up in the morning & been a willing participant in the getting dressed process, which at the end of last year was starting to become an event I would possibly need to start stretching & warming up for.  He has only had a few minor crying & resistant moments thought out the week. We got a wonderful note on Wednesday that eased my mind that the transition from ppcd to kindergarten is going well.  The true test will be to see how things start going when new demands & skills start to be placed on him.
First day of school:
Note from the teacher:

Justin's CT scan last week showed that the majority of his blood clots have been absorbed & that his lungs look good. The clots didn't cause any permanent damage to his lungs and he was given the all clear to start traveling again so he left this morning on a direct flight to Seoul, Korea.  He will be starting his trip there, then he will be going to Tokyo, Japan & then back home to Dallas September 20th. He is excited to be back on the road so he can finish his project. The kids & I will miss him especially Peyton who had become quite the daddy's girl, but I'm sure now with school back in session the time he is away will fly by.

We are looking forward to the arrival of my parents & sister who are coming down to spend Labor Day weekend with us. Jack has off school on Monday so we are looking forward to a few outings over the weekend including the trampoline park Monday morning. 

I hope everyone has a fun & safe Labor Day weekend!
Peyton is still having Gymboree fun while Jack's at school:

Friday, August 23, 2013

Last day of summer vacation

Today is the last day of summer vacation, school starts on Monday, & I can officially say "I made it!" I posted a few times at the beginning of the summer break but have since been a little MIA. 

Justin was traveling for most of the summer for work, while the kids & I tried to keep busy & have fun. Jack had one on one therapy twice a week and also attended a summer social group on Tuesdays & Thursdays that was run by his ABA therapist. We did a Gymboree class on Mondays and had fun at a local trampoline park every Wednesday. We made a few trips to Jack's new school (with his friend who is also entering kindergarten and will be in the same class) so he could have the opportunity to check out his new surrounds & hopefully have a smoother transition into kindergarten. We had a few people come to visit us including my mom, Justin's sister Joyce and her husband Michael & my sister Stacey.

Justin returned from his second trip the beginning of August & was going to be home for a week then head out on his third trip over to Asia, but at the beginning his second trip he started to not feeling very well. He thought he had pulled a muscle in his back while working out, but as time passed he continued to feel worse not better.  He had a very long trip home but made it back on Friday night. The next day he went to the urgent care clinic, but they sent him straight to the emergency room. They ran several different tests & he was finally diagnosed and admitted for multiple blood clots (pulmonary embolisms) in his lungs. Thankfully I have some wonderful friends & a great neighbor who helped me out with the kids until Justin's sister Joyce was able to fly in on Sunday morning. Justin thankfully was only in the hospital for one night and was able to come home to rest & recover. He was able to return to work the following Monday. The doctors can't be sure why the clots developed, it could have been the long plane trips or he could be genetically predisposition to clotting. He will be having more testing done in a couple of months to find some answers to determine his further course of treatment. His body now is continuing to heal. He had another test yesterday to see how that process is going, he will get he official results next week, but the dr said things looked good.  
He was been given the ok to travel again so he will be leaving next Friday for Korea to continue his training project for work.  

This week has been full of last time summer activities, and focusing on back to school. Jack had two opportunities this week to meet his teaches & see his new classroom. The first one was on Monday morning did not go as well as I had hoped. The second one happened yesterday afternoon & to my surprise it went extremely well. He didn't try & "flop"  when we walked into the school, he didn't have a single meltdown, and he seemed completely comfortable in his new classroom.  He has two friends from Lawson also starting K with him, and the teacher:student ratio is the same as it was a Lawson.   There is his new lead teacher Ms. Brandi, two assistants Ms. Jackie & Ms. Maria & a speech therapist who will be in the room occasionally to work with individual students for speech. 
I'm very exited for the new school year & I spent some time this morning getting on email lists, updating his registration forms & filling out paper work to send back the first week of school. 

I want to wish all the kiddo's going back on Monday or who have already started a great year!
I will try & post some of our summer pictures I took very soon & as always ill try and post again soon.

Here a couple to tied you over :)