The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Thursday, September 23, 2010

..and so it begins

I would like to dedicate my first official blog post to my friend Gwyn. It was in a our recent phone conversation that she told me I needed to start a blog so that she could see what was going on with my family. So I thought about it for a minute and decided to give it a try. Now I must confess that my writing skills are usually below par, so don't judge me on a misspelled word or bad grammar every now and then.

We have been enjoying our time here in Texas and I believe that we are adapting to the heat (man it got hot this summer) pretty well. For those of you who don't know yet we are expecting our second child in the coming year. We are not far enough along yet to know the sex of the baby yet, but unlike with Jack we will be finding out that information before the baby arrives.

Jack is now two and had a great birthday party back at the end of May. He is doing really well and has recently started to talk. He has been a little behind in the talking department but we have been working with a few therapists and things have been coming along great.

I will post more about how things are going soon, but I believe that Jack will be waking up soon so I will sign off for now. I will return when I can, and hopefully so will you.


  1. Thanks for the dedication Nestle Crunch! I'm excited to continue reading your updates!!

  2. Congrats on another boy! Sorry I missed your call the other day. My Mom is in town this week. I'll call you after she leaves town Thursday.

  3. @Kristin-We do not know the sex of the baby yet, but I look forward to hearing from you when your mom leaves. Leslie
