The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Isn't only Tuesday?

Happy that today is turning out to be the exact opposite of yesterday. Sunday night Jack decided that he didn’t want to sleep and was up half the night. He went to sleep just fine, but at 11:00 he was up, then down, then up again until 3:00 AM :-( It was a very long night and it was made even longer, when he decided to wake up at six in the morning. Luckily, for me he took an hour and a half nap later that morning so we both got a little rest. I was also very excited when Justin walked through the door almost three hours earlier than he usually does on a Monday to give me a chance to relax and chill from this crazy and unpredictable day. Since Jack’s day was full of mood swings and just general tired behavior, he slept well last night.

He is in a much better mood today and I am enjoying his happy go lucky attitude. After we have lunch, I think we may try to go to the park to play.

I very happy that Jack has had his developmental and speech therapy appointments for the week so the only thing we have to prepare for is the playgroup we are hosting on Thursday. Jack has been making excellent progress since he started therapy back in February. He is mimicking more and is starting to imitate more sounds that he hears, which occasionally sound like actual words. He is in a regular playgroup that meets at the YMCA every two weeks, and I have found a moms group online that has playgroups every Thursday that we have started to try and attended when we can. I am very excited because this will be our first time hosting the playgroup at our house. I will be excited to let everyone know how it goes.

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