The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cleaning, Laundry and Rice Crispy Treats...

We are getting ready to spend the holiday weekend with our families so I have been getting ready for the trip. I have spent most of the day doing laundry and cleaning the house. Jack and I just got finished making some rice crispy treats for the trip tomorrow. He was very interested in watching the butter melt but doesn’t like touching the marshmallows, funny because he loves the finished product.

Jack has had a great weekend. We spend the majority of the weekend shopping and decorating our house for Christmas. It is Justin’s favorite holiday and I have to say the house is really looking festive. We got a new tree (our very first fake tree) and it looks pretty all decorated. Justin was not excited about getting an artificial tree but this way we can enjoy it for the entire month of December instead of just a couple of weeks. Jack learned the word for tree, and he has started to use more words to ask for things. When we were shopping at Target Justin asked him if he wanted a pretzel or popcorn for a snack and he said “popcorn.” He also requested Justin to turn on the kitchen light by dragging him over to the switch and saying “light.” I really feel like he is starting to understand that if he says something he gets it :-)

I am getting really excited about Thanksgiving and I can’t wait to eat all that yummy food on Thursday. Hope everyone has an enjoyable and relaxing holiday, and if you are going shopping on Friday, I wish “Good Luck!”

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