The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas is just around the corner...

It is hard to believe that in just one week we will be down in Springfield for Christmas. I think the month of December has gone even faster than I thought it would. We have been keeping busy with playgroups and Jack’s weekly therapy appointments but over all we have had a nice month (so far). I was able to get our Christmas cards out this week and I finished all our shopping, so all I have left to do is to wrap the presents.

Jack is constantly surprising us with new words he knows and he is doing a better job at following directions. He still wanted to spend a majority of his time playing outside; luckily, it hasn’t been to cold here with most days falling into the 50’s. Yesterday we had a pleasant surprise with a 75-degree day, which we took advantage of by going to the park. I know that my friends back in the St Louis area have been dealing with cold temperatures and ice storms so I am thankful for not having to deal with that type of weather :-)

I have recently taken over the organizer position for the playgroup we joined back in August. It was on the verge of shutting down, so I decided that I would keep it going. We have made some great new friends through it and I didn’t want to see it go away. Luckily, the group has quite a few members and there are several co-organizers and assistant organizers to help with the daily responsibilities.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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