The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome to the world...

Peyton Elizabeth Griggs!

Was born one week ago today Sunday March 13, 2011 at 6:15 AM.  She weighed 8 lbs 6 oz and was 20 inches long.  Labor started for mom Saturday night and we went to the hospital around 8:30 PM.  Thanks to modern technology I was able to get a little rest through out the night and woke up in the early morning when she was ready to arrive. 

Peyton has been doing really well this past week.  She came out and took to nursing right away.  She has been eating about every two to three hours and is a champion sleeper...just like her daddy!  We came home from the hospital on Tuesday morning.  She was a little jaundice so she had to have the bilirubin light for a day but is doing better now so no more daily visits to the Doctors office.  We will be back in one week for her two week check up.  She is gaining weight daily and already has her parents wrapped around her little finger.

Jack is adjusting well.  He still doesn't pay her much attention to her but when no one is looking he will check her out.  Jack has always done things on his terms so we are just waiting for the day he decides she is interesting to him.  He has been getting lots of attention from his G-Barb since she is here helping out this week and next, and will be get to have some quality time with his Grandma and Grandpa Gindler the week after when they come down to visit. 

I am going to be putting up pictures on our Picasa web site today...hopefully.  If not then tomorrow :-) please bare with me.  We have a new computer (we bought right before I went into labor) so we are still getting things set up.  Hope everyone is doing well and I will post again when I have time. 

1 comment:

  1. Pretty Peyton!!!! Where did all that dark hair come from? I swore she would come out blonde!
