The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hello, it's May?

Where has the time gone.  I can't believe that Peyton will be two months old next week and that Jack will be turning 3 at the end of the month.  Things here have been busy.  We are going to start planning Jack's party and have been doing some spring cleaning.  Jack has been busy with therapy sessions and playgroups.  I am sad that this will be the last month with his ECI therapists. I feel very lucky to have had them in our lives for the last year and a half.  They have helped Jack accomplish so much.  He will have the summer and then he will begin preschool in the fall...My BABY is starting SCHOOL?!?! 

I have already signed Jack up for swim lessons this summer and we are looking forward to a relaxing beach vacation with my folks.  We have had some crazy weather lately and yesterday we were stuck inside all day due to the rain.  Today is beautiful and the weather is perfect so I took the kids out for a walk around the neighborhood.  We bought a new stroller for Peyton and some stroller connectors so I could create a double stroller so I was excited to see how it worked...happy to report it worked very well..

Peyton is demanding my attention so I must go.  I hope everyone is having a nice spring and I will write again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...time is flying by way too fast! Jack and Peyton are so cute. I loved the personalized thank you card...definitely going to steal that idea for kid number 2!
