The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A quiet moment in time...

So this morning Jack decided it would be fun to wake up and start his day at 3:30 a.m. Luckily his sister did't get that memo and she slept closer to 6 (still early I know) but that has been our usual routine lately. Jack was in a great mood but almost fell asleep when we were on our way to school. It took everything I had within reason of not wrecking the car to keep him awake, and then his teacher quickly got him out of the car before he was able to completely fall asleep. I just picked up from school and they said he had a great day and never fell asleep. Of course that means he is taking a much needed nap now. Lucky for me Peyton is also napping. I don't really have many days that this happens since Jack gave up naps a while ago, but since serendipity has decided to smile on me today I figure...I'll take it :-)

It know the battle of waking him up still lies ahead of me, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Jack has been doing really well in school and we finally got him an iPad, merry Christmas Jack! He has been enjoying playing games, reading books and I have started to investigate some of the communication apps that are available.

Well,I'm going to take the few minutes I have left and fold some laundry and watch some tv Hope everyone's having a great week.

I want to say happy birthday to my BFF Kristin! Have a great day Friday miss you and wish I was closer so we could celebrate.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

10 months!

So I'm a few days behind on this, but Happy 10 months to Peyton!  I know I say this with the passing of every month, but where has the time gone?  Peyton will be turning one in just two months.  I really need to get a jump on planning her 1st birthday party.  I am still trying to decide on a theme, but hopefully I will settle on something very soon.

She is getting so big and has learned so many new things.  Her newest skill is shaking her head "no" and when we ask her "were's your tummy?" she will point at her belly :-)  I think she has a few more teeth trying to break through so she can get a little fussy sometimes, but most of the time she is such a happy and funny little lady. She loves when we have friends over or go to playgroups, and still loves to pet the cat's.  Shecan say mama and dada and it sounds like she it trying to say the words cat and hi.  I got a little camera happy when I took her 10 months pictures, mostly because I was having trouble finding the right setting on the camera, but on the other hand I just love taking pictures of my I will appologize in advance :-)

I hope that everyone has had a great week!  Will post again soon enjoy the pictures.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Oh, what a weekend...

Happy Monday morning everyone!  I was pleasantly surprised this morning when Jack woke up in a very happy mood.  I was very happy when he didn't put up any resistance to eating breakfast, getting dressed and leaving for school.  I wasn't sure how this morning was going to go considering how difficult the weekend had been.  Jack started off his weekend by eating to much Friday night and got sick in the middle of the night (poor guy).  The next morning he slept in, and when he got up he seemed to be feeling better.  We went over to a friends house for a play date, while Justin got in a round of golf with our neighbor friend, Luke.  Everything seemed to be going pretty good, but when we got back home all (for lack of a better word) hell broke loose.  He was happy one second and then screaming and crying the next. Nothing we did seemed to make him happy and even when we would find something that did comfort him that state of happiness was short lived.  I think he still wasn't feeling great after his rough night.  

Sunday morning he woke up early and seemed to be in a better mood but when Justin went to change him he didn't want to have his diaper put back on.  Jack has been going though the "I don't want to wear clothes" phase and most of the time he runs around the house in nothing except his diaper.  We finally compromised with him by let him sitting on his froggy potty and watch a show until he was ready to wear a diaper again.  He had a pretty good afternoon and even made the grocery store trip to Target with Justin, but throughout a majority of the day he was craving a lot of sensory activity.  He really enjoyed it when would swing him around, squeeze him in the sofa pillows and brush his feet.  I think we may need to look into getting him a swing in the future (even though swing him around does give me a good workout).  He had a small dinner and almost fell asleep around six, but we were able to keep him up for his bath and got him into bed around 7:30.

I hope he has a good day at school.  We have another ARD meeting tomorrow afternoon to discuss changes to his IEP. The school finished their Autism evaluation in December so we are meeting to discuss his goals since he has officially been giving the diagnosis of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). 

Peyton has been doing really well.  She had a little reaction to the second round of her flu shot she had at her 9 month appointment, but is finally back to normal.  She has been a little fussy at time, but I think she is teething.  Her second top tooth hasn't popped though yet, but it looks like it will be happening very soon.  I can't believe that she will be 10 months old at the end of the week.  I guess it will be time for me to start planning her 1st Birthday Party! 

Hope everyone has a great week and I will try and have some new pictures up the next time I post

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope that everyone had a great New Year's eve last night.  We spent the evening having dinner with some friends of ours and their kids.  We of course called it early so the kids could get to bed.  Justin and I tried to stay up for the ball to drop in NYC, but I just barely made it.  Maybe when the kids are older I will be able to stay up till midnight to ring in the new year again :-)

We have been getting back into our routine since we got back from Springfield.  We had a wonderful Christmas!  The kids got to have Christmas with both sets of Grandparents and their Aunt Stacey in Springfield.  They got lots of new toys and clothes and Justin and I have been buying them toys will all the gift cards they got.  Peyton's had a great time celebrating her first Christmas.  She loved playing with all the paper from the gifts and had a great time getting new girl toys. 

Peyton turned 9 months old this month.  We had her 9 month appointment scheduled for the 15th, but she woke up that morning with a temperature 102.  I took her in and turned out she had strep :-(  We had to then push back her appointment until after Christmas.  She is now weighing 17 pounds 6.5 ounces and is 27 inches long.  She learning to do more and more things.  She points and waves hi and good-bye all the time.  Justin taught her to clap and I taught her how to talk on the phone.  She will also show you her muscles with is so cute.  She is eating anything we will give her so we are trying to give her as much table food as we can at meals as long as it's not a choking hazard. 

Justin is off work today and tomorrow for the holiday weekend.  Jack goes back to school on Tuesday and I am sure he will be happy to get back into his normal daily routine.  I hope that everyone had a great weekend and since I seem to have the computer fixed (for now) I will try and post again very soon.