So I'm a few days behind on this, but Happy 10 months to Peyton! I know I say this with the passing of every month, but where has the time gone? Peyton will be turning one in just two months. I really need to get a jump on planning her 1st birthday party. I am still trying to decide on a theme, but hopefully I will settle on something very soon.
She is getting so big and has learned so many new things. Her newest skill is shaking her head "no" and when we ask her "were's your tummy?" she will point at her belly :-) I think she has a few more teeth trying to break through so she can get a little fussy sometimes, but most of the time she is such a happy and funny little lady. She loves when we have friends over or go to playgroups, and still loves to pet the cat's. Shecan say mama and dada and it sounds like she it trying to say the words cat and hi. I got a little camera happy when I took her 10 months pictures, mostly because I was having trouble finding the right setting on the camera, but on the other hand I just love taking pictures of my I will appologize in advance :-)
I hope that everyone has had a great week! Will post again soon enjoy the pictures.
She is adorable! I love the "what's for dinner"