The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Parent/Teacher conference

I just got home a little while ago from a parent teacher conference I had with Jack's teacher.  He is doing really well in school.  I just wanted to touch base and talk and ask some questions I have about his progress, the summer and next year.  Jack has made some great progress from when he first started in the fall.  His daily routine is getting more consistent and his receptive language skills are improving.  He has a large vocabulary but now its a matter of getting him to use his language when he is asked a question or when he wants or needs something. They have started (in the past week) to try and incorporate the first step of the PECS system in his classroom.  PECS stands for Picture Exchange Communication System.  Lynn and Rachel even made me up the same system they have for him at school so that we can start learning and working on using this system at home.  I found a web site that gives more information on the PECS if anyone wants to know or learn more.  Basically it is a system that allows nonverbal children with or without autism to communicate without words. PECS is used in a variety of ways–starting with pictures–to allow the child to make choices and communicate his/her needs.

I also found out that the summer services we were hoping Jack might get offered he is not eligible for.  Jack after every break from school has not had any regression on his mastered skills, which is fantastic, but is the main criteria for being eligible for receiving summer services from the school district.  Justin and I were anticipating this so we have been looking into getting Jack some extra therapy over the summer and are going to meet with an ABA therapist next week about getting Jack started in ABA therapy for the summer. 

The last thing I was curious about was would Jack be returning to the same class next year?  I was very happy to find out that in most cases they try and keep the children in the same classroom.  This was what I was hoping for since we really like his classroom team, he has made such great progress and he really like his teachers. 

Peyton was a real trooper.  I knew she was going to be a little tired since I have been putting her down for her afternoon nap sometime after we get back from picking Jack up from school.  She cried for a little bit when we first arrived, but warmed up quickly to Lynn and Rachel, she wasn't to sure of Tyler ( I think its because he is so tall :-).  She managed to say away during our conference, but on our way home she kept saying "nap" and went down as soon as we got home...funny girl!

I am very happy that tomorrow is Friday because I am ready for the weekend.  Justin's good friend Parker will be flying in tomorrow night and spending the weekend.  Hope everyone has a nice Friday has a great weekend!  I will post again soon.

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