The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Happy 18 months!

Today Peyton is 18 months old! She is such a funny, smart, and cute little lady.  She is already starting to talk with purpose asking for things like water and snacks.  She has started to say a few two word phrases, will try to repeat everything we say and has gotten very good at labeling.  She has recently formed a pretty strong attachment to her blanky, which she calls "night-night".  She still loves to watch Jack and continues to enjoy playing with" kitty's".  It is so much fun watching her pretend play.  Her newest toys this week came from our very sweet neighbor Jessica, it is a baby doll play set which includes a stroller, swing/car seat, diaper bag and pack-n-play.  She has been playing doll's non-stop since she brought it over Tuesday morning.  I had to dig out all her dolls just so she had one to put in each toy :-)

Jack has been doing better in school and starting to adjust to his new schedule.  He decided that he wanted to wake up extra early this morning.  I first heard him playing in his room around 4AM, but tried to wait till it was absolutely necessary to get him which was about a quarter to 5.  He was in a terrific mood, which is always helpful with such an early morning wake-up call, but I am hoping to get in a short nap later this morning when Peyton takes hers. 

I do have a few things to get done this morning before I can lay down and relax starting with going back up to the school for a room parent meeting and coffee with the Principal.  I also need to start packing and getting ready for my fun girls weekend to Las Vegas!  My friend Kara is turning 30 next month so me and our friend Becky are going to help her celebrate!  Thank you Justin for giving me the opportunity to go and have a some fun while you stay and have fun with the kids this weekend.   

I am going to sign off for now.  I hope everyone has a great weekend...I know that's my plan ;-)

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