The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's already November...

The past week I have been telling myself to get on the computer and update the blog, but as you can see I have been a very good procrastinator :-)  The Griggs family has been very busy the past few weeks, so I will try my best to cover all the important things that happened.

Halloween 2012:
Since Halloween this year fell in the middle of the week we kept things pretty low key.  We picked the kids costumes out a few weeks prior.   Since Jack still doesn't shown much interest and still lacks the verbal skills to help pick out his own costume, we decided that this year he would go as a Fireman and Peyton (since she is in love with kitty cat's) could be the cute little kitten he rescued.  I have a feeling my pairing might have not been as obvious to everyone else, but I still found the idea really cute!  Jack had a full day at school and had his usual Wednesday ABA therapy from 3-5, but once I got the kids fed and Justin got home we took off on a trick-or-treating adventure around the neighborhood.  Peyton wanted to walk all by herself and Jack was less interested in collecting candy and more interested in inspecting each and every car (and there licence plate) we passed.  We didn't visit to many houses but still ended up with a decent amount of candy. Peyton was a little scared of a few of the costumes we saw, but the highlight of her night was when she meet a  family walking around with a bulldog.  She was so excited to see that dog Justin said he had never seen her or any other child so excited about a dog, it was really cute.  Once we made the loop around our neighborhood Justin was able to transition Jack from walking/running around the neighborhood to going for a car ride to pick up some dinner for me and Justin, while Peyton and I went back to the house and handed out candy.  She enjoyed running to the door every time the doorbell would ring.  It was a great night and the kids and us were exhausted by the end of the night.

Color Run

I had a really fun time doing a color run with my friends Celina and Erin.  It was an off road 5K that included some obstacles and various people trowing powdered color on your while you ran.  It was a really fun event and if anyone ever has the change to sign up for one of these I would highly recommend it!  I didn't do a ton of running preparation, but ended up finishing in 33.55 minutes which is my best 5K time so far.  

Weekend with Grandma
This past weekend Justin's mom was able to come down and visit.  We had gotten to see her a few weeks ago when we went back to St. Louis in September to celebrate her birthday, but it had been a while since she had come down to see us here in Texas.  I think she really enjoy all the quality time she got to spend with Jack and Peyton.  She flew in on Thursday morning and had to leave to go back home today.  She was a big help around the house and was able to do some baby sitting for use while she was here.  She would stay with Peyton when I had to take Jack to school and therapy and I even got to do some kid less running around and had lunch yesterday with a friend.  Saturday night Justin and I had been invited to a fund raising event for the Notre Dame school in Dallas, which is a school for children with special needs.  It was a incredibly fun night, and since we don't get to many nights out together without the kids it was fun to get all dressed up a have a night out as a couple :-)  ( I tried to post a picture but I was having trouble so I will try and post the picture of us all dress up later)

I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that Thanksgiving is just a week away.  Jack will be off school next week and we are doing to driving up to Springfield to spend the holiday with my family.  I will post again when we get back and hopfully have some cute Turkey day pictures to share. 

Have a great week and a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Leslie,
    I'm glad I get to check up on ya on your blog. Your kids are cute; love the fireman costume. I did the color run here in St. was great, great fun :).
