The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Friday, December 14, 2012

Getting ready for Christmas...

As you know from my last post we still hadn't gotten around to decorating the inside of our house.  It was partly due to our busy schedule and by the time the kids went to bed we would discuss putting the tree up, but would wind up not wanting to get up from the couch :-)   So, I decided while Peyton took her nap on Wednesday and I had some extra time and energy, I would put up the tree and lights.

Now the only thing we need to do is finish putting on a few decorations and get out the other holiday decor for the house.  I am hoping that we might find time to do some of those things tonight or over the weekend.  Peyton loves the tree and when ever she comes into the room if the lights are not on she will point to the tree and say "oh no! It's off!"  It is possibly the cutest thing she has done.  The only thing that Jack has noticed so far is the lights.  Since he enjoys to be visually stimulated sometimes he likes to inspect the lights very closely.   Last year his favorite activity was taking off the decorations so it will be interesting to see how both kids react once we add the ornaments.
I finally got Jack off to school this morning after we decided to just let him sleep in after a long night of being up for a few hours in the middle of the night.  Peyton didn't sleep very well either and passed out on the floor around 10 this morning after we got back home from dropping him off.  I was the lucky one because Justin slept with the monitors last night since I had an early workout this morning.  Hopefully I can repay him the favor by letting him get a few good nights sleep this weekend.
My newest workout adventure is from a recently purchased Groupon.  It is for two weeks of unlimited classes at a Boxing place located very close to our house.  I have taken 4 classes so far and am really enjoying it!  I have never taken a boxing class before, but am having a blast and I find it very therapeutic to get in a good workout and punch a bag, lol. 
I am not really sure the last time I gave a good over view of the progress Jack has made, so here is a little update on how things are going for our little man.  Since he started working with his ABA therapist this summer we have seen good improvement with his language.  He has been working on learning to use his words functionally and to communicate.  We have also seen improvement with his receptive language.  He can follow some simple instructions and he seems to understands more of what we tell him.  Jack is not yet able to tell us verbally how he is feeling and will not spontaneously tell us what he needs or wants, but one of the things autism has taught me is there are many ways to communicate and you don't always need words (of course they would be very helpful at times).  He has learned some basic questions and responses such as "What is your name?" "How old are you?" and " Where do you live"  He does a good job with these but we still have to make sure we have his full attention and if there are any major distractions in the area it can still be a challenge.  He must learn new skills in a one-on-one setting, but once he has the skill he has been able to generalize those in controlled small group setting and/or with us here at home.  He really enjoys school and loves working with his ABA therapist Jessie who he sees twice a week at home and at Social Group which he attends once a week.  We just had his yearly ARD which was to update his IEP goals.  We have been able to increase his goals and add a lot of new goals for him to work towards.  Jack enjoys the consistency of his busy schedule so I am hoping that the time off school won't be to hard on him.  We are looking forward to having our families in town for about a week and he will attend his Social Group for 5 days (2 the week of Christmas and 3 the week of New Years) which will provide him with some structure during the holiday break.  I feel very lucky that we were able to see Santa, but we are limited to how many Holiday activities we can do.  Jack has many sensory needs that are ever changing which and make going into new and unfamiliar environments unpredictable and difficult at times.  We try very hard to expose him to thing children his age would enjoy, and sometimes it works out great and other times it does not.  Since the weather has been so nice I have been able to take him to the park to play which he has really come to enjoy.  Justin also thought that since he really loves cars he took him to a car dealership one Sunday, when they were closed, to look at all the cars up close and he loved it!  Jack really has fun going to Target and has come to expect a new car with each and every visit.  So if anyone is looking for all the hot wheel cars in Texas you will need to come to our house :-)
Its hard to sum up in words everything that is happening these days but hopefully this gives everyone a pretty good glimpse into how things are going here at the Griggs house.  I really hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and if I don't have time to post again before Christmas, a very merry Christmas!
Here is a little poem that I found last year and thought I would share again, I hope you enjoy it!
An Autism Christmas Poem
Twas the Night Before Christmas
And all through the house
The creatures were stirring
Yes, even the mouse

We tried melatonin
And gave a hot bath
Asleep early for Christmas? unlikely path

The children were finally
All nestled in bed
When visions of Christmas
Ran through my OWN head

Did I get the right gift?
The right color and style?
Would there be a blank stare
Or even, maybe, a smile?

Friends & family come
But they don't understand
The pleasure she gets
Just from bending her hands.

"Just make her stop it," some say
"Just tell her "no",
“You must learn to be tough.."
On and on they go...

We smile and nod
Because we know deep inside
The debate is moot
Let them all take a side

We know what it's like
To live with the spectrum
The struggles, triumphs
achievements and regressions.

But what some don't know
And what some don't see
Is the joy that we feel
Over simplicity.

She said "hello"!
She ate something green!
She looked me in my eyes
She did not cause a scene!

She peed on the potty!
Who cares if she's ten;
She stopped saying the same thing
Again and again!"

Some others don't realize
Just how we can cope
How we bravely hang on
At the end of our rope

But what they don't see
Is the joy we can't hide
When our children with autism
Make the tiniest stride

We may look at others
Without the problems we face
With envy, with wonder,
Or even distaste,

What we want them to know
What's important to see
Is that children with autism
Bring simplicity.

We don't get excited
Over expensive things
We jump for joy
With the progress work brings

Children with autism
Try so hard every day
That they make us proud
More than words can say.

They work even harder
Than you or I
To achieve something small
To reach a star in the sky

So to those who don't get it
Or can't get a clue
Take a walk in our shoes
And I'll assure you…

That even 10 minutes
Into the walk
You'll look at us all
With respect, even shock.

You will realize
What it is we go through
And the next time you see us
I can assure you

That you won't say a thing
You'll be quiet and learn,
Like the years I learned to
When the tables were turned.

~Christine Muczyk

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