The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Peyton!

I feel like I might be a broken record with this statement, but sorry for the long break between posts.  I will start off by telling you about how our little baby girl turned 2 last week.  This past weekend we put together a fun park birthday party for her and some of her friends. Along with our friends a lot of our family was able to come into town for this special event, which included both sets of grandparents, the great grandparents and my sister Stacey.  We took a lot of great pictures (some of which I will post here the others can be seen on my Picasa site) and Peyton had a blast!  Her favorite part of the party was probably the cupcakes and the presents she even oohed and awed at the packages and gifts as she was opening them.  Her least favorite part was when everyone sang her the happy birthday song.  She started yelling "NO!" and when that didn't work he little face made that incredibly sad upside down smile frown and started to cry.  Luckily since the birthday song is short and was followed by a cupcake made for a quick recovery :-)  The weather was perfect, slightly windy, but over all the party was a huge success!

The week before last Justin left for a business trip that took him to Hong Kong for 9 days.  Last week was also spring break for Jack and my mom so since Justin was going to be gone she was able to fly down and give me a hand.  We had a fun and pretty relaxing week.  Jack had all his usual therapy appointments like OT and ABA and was also able to attend the spring break session of his social group on Tuesday and Thursday.  That was very helpful because it last almost the same time frame of school and helps to keep him on schedule.  I did have a few rough nights where Jack decided it was a good idea to come jump into bed with me around 1 or 2 in the morning, but thankfully with my mom around I had the opportunity to either sleep in or catch a short nap on those days. 

I hope that everyone who had spring break has enjoyed the time off of school or work.  Jack is back in school this week and Peyton and I have been into our normal weekly routine.  I am going to sign off for now so that I can get her down for her nap and get a few chores done around the house while she sleeps.  Have a great week and I will do my best to post again soon...but no promises ;-)

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