The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Monday, October 28, 2013

Parent Teacher Conference Day and a few other things...

The past two months have been a whirl wind.  Justin has been back on the road for all of October and was back home from traveling for only a week in September.  We have had a few visitors the past two months and life in general has kept us pretty busy.  My dad had a minor health scare in the form of a TIA but he is doing really well and we are looking forward to having a visit from them this coming weekend.  My sister and her boyfriend Sean came in town for a quick weekend visit last weekend, and Justin's mom was here back in September.  Its always nice to see family and since traveling can be challenging we greatly appreciate everyone's willingness to make the trip down to Texas when its possible.
Jack had off school today for parent teacher conferences.  My conference this morning was very positive and it is nice to see how well Jack has adjusted to his transition to Kindergarten.  He love his new team of teachers and I am right there with him.  She has been working on his ABLLS which is the yearly assessment the school district uses to track his progress and to determine and write new goals.  We have a IEP meeting scheduled for the 19th of November which will be when we look through the finished ABLLS assessment and get all his new goals put in place. 

Jack keeps busy with school, ABA therapy and his social group, and Peyton and I have been keeping busy going to Gymboree, breakfast meetups and play dates with our friends.  I know I haven't posted in quite some time but everyone can thank my sister for introduction me to Instagram ;) We have been doing some fun fall activities which included decorating our pumpkins this past weekend.  I am also planning to take both kids to a pumpkin patch this week after school.  I will try and post again soon with more pictures of our pumpkin patch adventure and Halloween. 


Here are a few picture links to some albums of things we have done the past few months including Jack's Fund run at school which he participated in and came in second place for in fundraising :)

I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!

Jack's Fun Run

Tucker Hill Pumpkin Patch with Peyton

Gymboree with Aunt Stacey

Jack reading his Halloween card from Neenah and Papa:

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