The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring break is here!

Oops I did it again, lol. It's been to long since I posted, I guess that's what happens when you get busy living life.  Since the new year came & we all had to recover from the flu things have been going pretty good. Jack has been doing really well in school.  We have had a couple snow days which will make for a long kast 2+ months of school with no breaks in the schedule coming up except spring break! which starts tomorrow, & Memorial Day. We had an evaluation done about a month ago to see if we would qualify to add in-home parent training into Jack's IEP & we got informed last week that it was a go.  We have to officially meet with Jack's teacher to iron out the details and a schedule after the holiday break and to sign the iep amendment.  I am really looking forward to working on a plan to help make the learning he does at school and therapy transfer more easily for him in our home environment. He does so well with the schools structured environment that working to add more structure at home and learning how to incorporate things we do at home in a similar way they do at school might help him make even more gains in the future. His expressive language is progressing nicely and any time we get a full sentence or spontaneous thought makes me smile. 

Peyton is getting so active and she & I been keeping busy while Jack's at school , keeping up with the house, going to play dates and we still attend Gymboree on Mondays. I am so amazed at how verbal she has become over the past 6 months. She defiantly keeps me on my toes and everyday surprises me by saying something funny she sees or a random thought that comes into her head.  She love to play with her Barbie dolls, my little ponys, read books & is obsessed with the sound track from Frozen, but her mommy is too ;) I can't believe that she will be turning 3 years old next week.  Were did my little baby go? 

The kids are I are going to spend the first half of spring break in springfield with my parents & sister. We will be leaving tomorrow and coming back later in the week to get ready for Peyton's birthday party. She is very excited for her birthday party & I can't wait to see her celebrate with her friends. 

I hope everyone has had a great week & I wish everyone luck on the time change coming up on Sunday :) 

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