The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekend with a sick toddler :-(

We have been stuck at home the past few days because Jack has been sick.  I took him to the Dr on Friday and we found out he had type B Flu, a double ear infection and the croup cough... Poor guy is finally starting to get back to normal.  Friday and Saturday were the worse two days and yesterday was when we started to see signs that he was starting to feeling better.  His appetite is slowly coming back and he is back to playing more and destroying the house :-)  Justin was Mr. Clean yesterday and spent a majority of the day disinfecting every service and toy he could, doing laundry, vacuuming and dusting.  I tried to help, but all Justin would let me do is sit and relax...I am very grateful to have such a helpful hubby, but was feeling guilty watching him work so hard.

Since all we have been doing is hanging out around the house and waiting for Jack to get better there isn't much to report other than hopefully we will be ready for a fun Super Bowl weekend (GO Green Bay!!!!)  Hope everyone has a great week and if you are expecting bad weather be careful!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

33 weeks today!

I want to start by wishing my best friend Kristin a Happy Birthday Today!!! She is down in Florida and I hope they are having some nice weather for her to celebrate this great day.  I have finally gotten over the cold I had last week, but unfortunately I gave it to Jack :-(  He woke up yesterday with a cough and runny nose.  The Dr thinks it's just a cold so he will just have to work through it.  It hasn't slowed him down he is still playing and enjoying himself and I think I am more tired than he is.  This week is the first week I can actually say I am feeling more tired throughout the day and have noticed my growing belly.  Hard to believe that baby will be here before we know it.

Jack has really been talking more and more lately.  He has started to learn a few new songs such as twinkle twinkle little star and he will start to sing the Alphabet song with me (he only makes it through a few letters but its a start).  We have unfortunately missed out on his playgroup this morning, but the mom who was going to host, her child also is sick so I guess there is just a lot of sickness going around.  Hopefully by next week he will be up and running on all cylinders. 

I am excited the weekend is coming and I hope everyone enjoys the few new pictures I put up....I included a few baby bump pictures just for you Gwyn :-)  Miss you and hope baby Axel is doing well.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hello Friday!

This week has been rough but is getting better.  I have been fighting a cold and it finally feels like it might be leaving me.  I just hope that all the precaution's I took keep Jack from coming down with the same far so good. 

Justin left this morning to go back to St. Louis to visit his friends and have a fun weekend to relax.  He is in desperate need of a little R&R after the last two weeks he had a work.  Jack and I are going to be spending the weekend together hanging out and playing,  mostly indoors because the weather is still pretty cold here.  Not as bad as it is up north, but for Texas I miss the 50 degree weather we are suppose to be having this time of year.  I am also going to enjoy the time I have to watch a few girl movies that Justin could live without seeing :-)

Jack has been doing really well lately.  He already had his developmental therapy this morning and he did great!  He is doing a great job with his matching skills and has improved greatly at imitation play.  He is also learning new words daily.  He has become quite the parrot and it really is the best thing to hear him walk around the house repeating words that he hears. Of course this means we have to really be careful what we say in front of him :-) He has also started to use a few phrases and is getting better at asking for the things he wants. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Long weekend coming to a close...

We have had a very nice weekend. My parents came into town on Friday and didn’t have to leave until today. Jack had such a good time playing with them and chasing them around the house. Justin and I had a chance to go out and see a movie (Tron in 3-D, it was great) and we had time to go out and buy a crib for the baby. My parents also helped me do a little rearranging to create the new spare room upstairs since the spare room down stair will become Jack’s little sister new room.

We have a busy week, as usual, but nothing to crazy. We are going to be having Jack’s annual review with ECI to see how he has progressed in the past year since he started services with their program. I know he has made some great progress but it will be time to make a few more goals for him to reach. He is talking more and is starting to use more words to request a few different things. He has also learned to use the sign for more, which he uses to request more of something or to let us know that is what he’s really cute!

Today I am officially only two months away from my due date, which is hard to believe. I am getting excited about meeting our newest addition.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Big Boy Bed Time!

Well it finally happened and we had to bite the bullet and change Jack’s crib into a toddler bed. I am a little sad because this means that he is no longer my little baby he is officially my little man :-( He loves his new bed and enjoys being able to get in and out when he wants without having to climb over the railing (even though I did catch him climbing in using the changing table shelves as a ladder still the other day). Now we are just waiting for the big day he decides to sleep in the bed instead of on the floor next to it. I’m sure that he will figure it out eventually and until then he makes a nice little bed on the floor for himself using all the blankets he has in his room and the proximity to the bed is getting closer with each passing night.

We had a busy week planned and with his big bed switch and him getting over a cold or sickness of some kind this week we only ended up going to our usual Thursday morning playgroup, but he had fun and I think was ready to get out of the house. He did get to go out and enjoy the snow (which is still here believe it or not). He did not like staying out in it very long but I did teach him how to throw a snowball and he liked throwing his toys into the snow as well.

We are getting ready for my folks to come into town today and spend the weekend. Justin and I are hoping to get a few thing accomplished this weekend to prepare for baby so having them around to entertain Jack will be a big help.

Monday, January 10, 2011

It snowed in Texas...and it's still here!

Who knew that when we moved to Texas we would still get to experience all the same winter weather we had back in St. Louis :-) Yesterday was one of those rare day’s we were able to watch it snow most of the day. It accumulated about three inches and the surprising side of this story is that today it is still here. Last year when it snowed, it was pretty but the next day, it was usually gone by the late afternoon. The temperatures are not going to get very high so this snow maybe here to stay for a few days.

Unfortunately, Jack has been unable to enjoy the snow except from a distance (he did notice it falling and enjoyed watching from the window). He was running a temperature yesterday and today he woke up at 5 am with it still. He fortunately, for me, (not Justin who had to go to work) fell back to sleep around seven and slept until 9:30. His temperature has finally come down to normal, but I am not sure what is causing it because if you were to see him you would have no idea he wasn’t feeling well. I hope that we can make it through today without it coming back.

I have a feeling we will miss a few of the things we had planned for this week, but I am hoping that he will be feeling better so we can make it to his playgroup on Thursday. Looks like he and I will get to spend the next few days relaxing and doing a whole lot of nothing.

I hope everyone has a nice week!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

30 weeks today!

I can’t believe that I am 30 weeks pregnant and that baby will be here in 10 weeks (hopefully not sooner). We are really going to have to get down to business. I know what needs to be done, but it’s the follow-through that I am having trouble with :-) I am lucky that I am feeling really good still and I hope that this feeling will continue on throughout the rest of the pregnancy.

Jack and I have had a busy week. Getting back into the grove of seeing his therapists again and going to playgroups again have kept us pretty busy this week. We had two playgroups this week his regular group on Wed and then our mom group Thursday toddler playgroup today. He had fun at both this week even though he was the only one who showed up for the one yesterday. He is doing a good job at spontaneously naming objects he knows around the house and we are working on trying to get him to use some two-word phrases (other than Elmo’s world) and increase his vocabulary. We are also still working on following some simple instructions and working on him using the pronoun “I” more.

He is doing a great job and he is usually always in a great mood and is always in the mood to play. He has discovered how to crawl in and out of his crib throughout the day, but when it comes to bedtime, he has (so far) remained in bed. I know we will have to transitions him to a big boy bed soon, but we are still not sure when that will be.

Looking forward to the weekend and hopefully we will all find some time to relax. Hope everyone is enjoying the new year!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well it is finally time to say hello to a new year. We had a nice evening last night with our friends. They came over for dinner, Jack went to bed around 8:30, and Justin and I enjoyed watching the movie Inception. I was able to stay up and ring in the New Year with NYC but didn’t make it in our own time zone. So sorry to those people who texted at midnight I was already asleep.

We had a nice Christmas and made it back home Thursday. I was happy to be back, but I think Jack was the happiest of all. He came into the house, checked on his room and then went straight to the back yard to play. I think he missed being able to get out and play. It was nice yesterday with temperatures around 60 degrees. Today is a little cooler but the sun is still out which makes it nice.

We got out this morning to do a little New Year’s Day shopping and went out to lunch. Jack fell asleep on the way home so he is taking a much-needed nap. I am looking forward to getting back into a regular routine and I desperately need to start working on getting the room ready for baby.

I hope that everyone had a fun New Year’s eve!