The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hello Friday!

This week has been rough but is getting better.  I have been fighting a cold and it finally feels like it might be leaving me.  I just hope that all the precaution's I took keep Jack from coming down with the same far so good. 

Justin left this morning to go back to St. Louis to visit his friends and have a fun weekend to relax.  He is in desperate need of a little R&R after the last two weeks he had a work.  Jack and I are going to be spending the weekend together hanging out and playing,  mostly indoors because the weather is still pretty cold here.  Not as bad as it is up north, but for Texas I miss the 50 degree weather we are suppose to be having this time of year.  I am also going to enjoy the time I have to watch a few girl movies that Justin could live without seeing :-)

Jack has been doing really well lately.  He already had his developmental therapy this morning and he did great!  He is doing a great job with his matching skills and has improved greatly at imitation play.  He is also learning new words daily.  He has become quite the parrot and it really is the best thing to hear him walk around the house repeating words that he hears. Of course this means we have to really be careful what we say in front of him :-) He has also started to use a few phrases and is getting better at asking for the things he wants. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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