The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Friday, January 14, 2011

Big Boy Bed Time!

Well it finally happened and we had to bite the bullet and change Jack’s crib into a toddler bed. I am a little sad because this means that he is no longer my little baby he is officially my little man :-( He loves his new bed and enjoys being able to get in and out when he wants without having to climb over the railing (even though I did catch him climbing in using the changing table shelves as a ladder still the other day). Now we are just waiting for the big day he decides to sleep in the bed instead of on the floor next to it. I’m sure that he will figure it out eventually and until then he makes a nice little bed on the floor for himself using all the blankets he has in his room and the proximity to the bed is getting closer with each passing night.

We had a busy week planned and with his big bed switch and him getting over a cold or sickness of some kind this week we only ended up going to our usual Thursday morning playgroup, but he had fun and I think was ready to get out of the house. He did get to go out and enjoy the snow (which is still here believe it or not). He did not like staying out in it very long but I did teach him how to throw a snowball and he liked throwing his toys into the snow as well.

We are getting ready for my folks to come into town today and spend the weekend. Justin and I are hoping to get a few thing accomplished this weekend to prepare for baby so having them around to entertain Jack will be a big help.


  1. I liked watching Jack play in the snow. ...and why is it snowing in Texas?

  2. I know it is rare to get snow down here, but the really weird part is that it stuck around for a week. Usually it is gone by the next day because it never stays cold enough.
