The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Good-bye June!

I can't believe that it is the last day of June.  This month has flown by.  We had a fun morning at a friends house for playgroup.  Jack enjoyed all the toys they have at their house.  We came home and had lunch and now Peyton is taking a nap.  I put her down awake and she (eventually) fell asleep.  I had to go in twice to give her back her binky, but over all a successful attempt :-)

I am getting excited for the 4th of July weekend.  Jack has a birthday party to go to on Saturday nights, and he also has an evaluation for a a special needs gymnastic class we are hoping he will enjoy.  We will be having some BBQ fun with friends and hopefully staying cool in the process.  

I am looking forward to having a three day weekend with the family.  Hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July! 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Girls Weekend!

Peyton and I just got back yesterday from our weekend back in Springfield.  It was her first trip away from home and her first time to ride on a plane.  She did really well on both flights.  We saw as many people as we could in such a short amount of time. I got to catch up with my friend Haley, and my best friend Kristin who was back in town for a family reunion.  Jack got to spend time with his daddy having a fun boys weekend at home!

Things here have been busy as usual.  I took the kids today for a lunch play date, which I discovered isn't the easiest thing to do by myself.  We got to stay for about an hour but Jack was just to hyper today for us to stay any longer.  Jack just doesn't understand that all the food sitting out isn't for him, and he also doesn't understand that he needs to be careful of children that are smaller than he is while playing on the play equipment.   I think I still need an extra set of hand when going to a public place.

Justin and I have been working on getting Jack into some therapy over the summer, but it is taking a lot longer than I anticipated to get things rolling.  He does have an evaluation set up in July for OT.  He is still doing really well with labeling objects, but we having had much luck moving onto multiple word sentences yet.  He did however follow a two step direction the other day while he and I were playing basketball-(go get the ball and bring it to mommy), which was very exciting!   

Looking forward to a relaxing week with a few in home play dates Thursday and Friday.  Hope everyone is staying cool and enjoying their summer.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Done with swim lessons

Jack's last swim lesson was today.  He had them for 8 days and he loved being in the pool.  It was a little chilly a few day's due to the wind, which is funny considering its averaged 95 degrees the past two weeks.  His favorite things this year was jumping in and he really liked the songs they had us sing to teach the different skills.  He did a really good job at hanging on to the edge, and monkey crawling along the side of the pool.  We still need to work on his scooping and kicking, but all and all he had a great two weeks. 

Peyton is now three months old and I can't believe how big she is getting.  It doesn't seem like three months have passed.  She is such a happy baby and smiles all the time.  She has started to laugh and yesterday she started to notice her hands.  My mom had to leave this morning to go back home.  I really enjoyed having her around to help out.  We will miss her being here, but Peyton and I are looking forward to our trip next weekend to Springfield to visit her and see a few of my friends back home. 

This week was not only busy with swim lessons.  I have been looking into finding Jack some therapy services for the summer.  I have gotten my first glimps at how stressful dealing with insurance companies can be.  I am very thankful for my friend Heather who has bestowed her wisdom from her own battles so that my path can be less difficult when it comes to getting Jack the services he needs. 

Hope everyone has a great Father's Day weekend!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Long week...

This week has been very busy and has left me both physically and emotionally drained.  Looking forward to the weekend for sure.  Jack started his two week swim lessons this week, which he is loving.  Today was the last lesson for the week and I am looking forward to taking tomorrow off.  He missed Tuesday's lesson because he slept in...Monday was a big day for him. 

Jack had is appointment with a developmental pediatrician on Monday and the appointment lasted a few hours.  He did really well at the appointment and only started to get upset towards the end, but who could blame him.  He has been given the diagnoses of expressive/receptive oral language disorder, learning delay and PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder- Not Otherwise Specified).  We were expecting something along these lines but are you ever really prepared to hear that your child falls on the Autism Spectrum.  The Doctor was hopeful that Jack may just be experiencing some of the symptom due to his developmental delays, but still saw some things that she found concering so she wanted us to have the diagnosis in order to get him started in the therapies that will benefit him the most.  We have been researching our options this week and are hoping to get him up and running for the summer.  He is all set up to start school in the fall and will beginning the PPCD program in August.

My mother has been in town this week and will be hear until next THursday. It has been nice having her here to help with Peyton and Jack and also so I could take Jack to swim lessons. Jack and Peyton have enjoyed spending time with their G-Barb, and I think she is enjoying her time with them too.

I hope everyone is enjoying the start to their summer and I will post again soon.  There are several website that offer great information about ASD but the one I have found most helpful is Autism Speaks:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Slept through the night!

I had to do a quick post to let everyone know that Peyton slept through the night last night!  She went to sleep around 10 and woke up at 6:45 this morning.  I don't expect this to be a trend, but I was very happy!   I was also a much needed night for sleep ;-)

Looking forward to the weekend and my mom coming so visit.  Hope everyone is enjoying their short week!