The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Monday, June 27, 2011

Girls Weekend!

Peyton and I just got back yesterday from our weekend back in Springfield.  It was her first trip away from home and her first time to ride on a plane.  She did really well on both flights.  We saw as many people as we could in such a short amount of time. I got to catch up with my friend Haley, and my best friend Kristin who was back in town for a family reunion.  Jack got to spend time with his daddy having a fun boys weekend at home!

Things here have been busy as usual.  I took the kids today for a lunch play date, which I discovered isn't the easiest thing to do by myself.  We got to stay for about an hour but Jack was just to hyper today for us to stay any longer.  Jack just doesn't understand that all the food sitting out isn't for him, and he also doesn't understand that he needs to be careful of children that are smaller than he is while playing on the play equipment.   I think I still need an extra set of hand when going to a public place.

Justin and I have been working on getting Jack into some therapy over the summer, but it is taking a lot longer than I anticipated to get things rolling.  He does have an evaluation set up in July for OT.  He is still doing really well with labeling objects, but we having had much luck moving onto multiple word sentences yet.  He did however follow a two step direction the other day while he and I were playing basketball-(go get the ball and bring it to mommy), which was very exciting!   

Looking forward to a relaxing week with a few in home play dates Thursday and Friday.  Hope everyone is staying cool and enjoying their summer.

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