The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Long week...

This week has been very busy and has left me both physically and emotionally drained.  Looking forward to the weekend for sure.  Jack started his two week swim lessons this week, which he is loving.  Today was the last lesson for the week and I am looking forward to taking tomorrow off.  He missed Tuesday's lesson because he slept in...Monday was a big day for him. 

Jack had is appointment with a developmental pediatrician on Monday and the appointment lasted a few hours.  He did really well at the appointment and only started to get upset towards the end, but who could blame him.  He has been given the diagnoses of expressive/receptive oral language disorder, learning delay and PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder- Not Otherwise Specified).  We were expecting something along these lines but are you ever really prepared to hear that your child falls on the Autism Spectrum.  The Doctor was hopeful that Jack may just be experiencing some of the symptom due to his developmental delays, but still saw some things that she found concering so she wanted us to have the diagnosis in order to get him started in the therapies that will benefit him the most.  We have been researching our options this week and are hoping to get him up and running for the summer.  He is all set up to start school in the fall and will beginning the PPCD program in August.

My mother has been in town this week and will be hear until next THursday. It has been nice having her here to help with Peyton and Jack and also so I could take Jack to swim lessons. Jack and Peyton have enjoyed spending time with their G-Barb, and I think she is enjoying her time with them too.

I hope everyone is enjoying the start to their summer and I will post again soon.  There are several website that offer great information about ASD but the one I have found most helpful is Autism Speaks:

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