The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's the end of July already?

I am taking advantage of a little break in my day to check my email and thought I should post an update. Peyton went down for her afternoon nap and Jack is enjoying a snack and a movie, Despicable Me, his 2nd favorite movie after Cars.  It has been so hot here lately that its been to hot for him to play outside for very long (even with his water table). 
I can't believe that July is close to being over.  I am looking forward to our vacation at the beach which is coming up soon, and Jack will be starting school in less than a month.  I got the official letter today reminding us of the start date and when the pre-school open house will be held.  I know this will be an adjustment for him since we really don't have any way to prepare him for what is coming, but I know he will do great once he gets into the routine. 

Justin and I have been working hard at trying to get his extra therapies set up and in place and have been looking into adding ABA therapy.  He has already been attending speech twice a week and we are hoping to get his OT therapy started by the time school starts. 

Peyton is getting so big and really enjoys being able to roll over.  She has started to reach for toys and has started to laugh when we tickle her or make funny/smiley faces.  We had our friends over this morning for a play date and the boys interacted once by banging the blocks on the counter.  They looked as if they each wanted to be louder than the was really funny! 

I am happy that tomorrow is Friday and that, thanks to our good friends coming over to baby sit, Justin and I are going to have the chance to go see the new and last Harry Potter film :-)  SO EXCITED!!! 

Have a great weekend!

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