The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Three more days...

...until we are on vacation!!!  I am so excited to get to the beach and watch Jack and Peyton experience the ocean for the first time!  Jack has played in sand before and really enjoyed it so I know he will have a fun time.  There will be a pool too so he will get to spend plenty of time in the water. 

Things here have been going really well.  Jack is doing well with his speech therapy.  His last appointment he walked right in with the speech therapist.  He didn't cry ( I almost did) and she didn't have to carry him back. He will be starting OT when we get back into town.  He will have one week to rest and then it will be time for him to start school.  Its hard to believe that summer is over and school is starting...summer just isn't long enough.  Of course summer here is defiantly hot enough.  We have been in the hundreds for the past 20 something day's and today's high is suppose to reach 113...Yuck!

I have posted a few new pictures, but will have lots more next time I post.   Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.

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