The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Great day!

I just got home from picking Jack up from school. His teacher told me he had a great day! He said he was moving from station to station himself and that he sat down at the table to eat his lunch. He also did well this morning when I dropped him off We went though the car drop off line and the woman who came to get him and walk him inside didn't have any problems. He let her get him out of the car, put his backpack on and he walked with her inside the building. He looked a little confused when I told him goodbye but there were no tears. He seems like he's getting the hang of this school thing :-)

Peytons dr's appointment yesterday went ok, she has am ear infection not just a cold (poor thing). We got her some medicine that she will be on for a week. She seems like she is doing better and she certainly slept better last night.

It is going to take me a few more days to get use to only have one kiddo at home during the day, but I'm sure I'll figure out how Peyton and I can spend our time :-)

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