The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Friday, April 27, 2012

I am an autism mom...

With Autism Awareness month slowly coming to an end I though I would do a post that is more of a reflection, rather then just about the events that have been happening in our lives.  Blame all those reflective essays I had to write while I was in school getting my education degree.  All my teacher friends out there can relate :-)

Yesterday Jack's teacher sent home a drawing that Jack did the other day while waiting to be picked up.  It was a picture of a happy face that included dots for the eyes, nose and a line for the mouth.  This was his first (ever) drawing of a face so we were very excited and proud!  What made it even more exciting was that he drew this picture "spontaneously".  I posted a picture of his drawing on facebook and when I was writing the caption for the picture something clicked...I am an autism mom.  This of course is nothing new.   I've know that I am an autism mom for a little while now, but it was the first time that I really felt like being an autism mom is "my life".  It hasn't been a full year yet since Jack got his ASD diagnosis, and even before the official diagnose came he had already been in therapy for a year and a half to address his development and speech delays.  This may sound like a strange epiphany or a delayed revelation, but it was my moment, and I guess it a moment every ASD mom and dad has to have (no matter when it happens).  There are three things so far that I have noticed a difference (in myself) since Jack was diagnosis with autism.  One my vocabulary has increased, I have started to find more friends who also have children on the spectrum and what I view my role as a mother should be.   

Before Jack's diagnosis I would have never used the word spontaneous when explaining a child's drawing.  It was at that moment I started to think of all the new words that have becoming a part of my vocabulary.  Words like Autism, Nero-Typical, spontaneous, prompting, stimming, sensory, scripting, echolalia, joint attention, triggers, hyperlexia, ABA and several more.  If you are have someone close to you who has autism you may be very familiar with the few words I listed.  If not then they might look as foreign to you as they did when I first heard them, but with every new word I learn I know I am becoming better prepared to do what's best for Jack.

Another important part of my life right now is finding other parents who understand, have similar daily struggles and who are also looking for answers to this complex puzzle.  Having an educational background has been helpful when it comes to dealing with the school district, but talking with other people who have been through or are going through a similar experience can give you that feeling that your not alone.  With each passing day I learn something new and/or have a new challenge to face.  Since Jack started therapy at 18 months, I have been doing all I can to educate myself on autism, therapies, strategies, anything that I think might help Jack.  I have learned to mentally keeping track of what things work and don't work, what skills he has mastered and what skills are next for him to learn. I am lucky to have a supportive family and a great group of friends that continues to grow, who have children both on and off the spectrum, and for that I am truly grateful.

I will end with a phrase that I try to always remember when I get overwhelmed: "its a marathon, not a sprint"  Looking ahead at the future can become overwhelming and its important to remember that change doesn't happen over night.  Trying to think about what we will do next year or the year after that can be challenging since we can never be sure how fast or slow his progress will be, which skills he will be able to master and retain, and how much his social skill will have improved.  My journey as an Autism mom has just begun and I know it's a long road ahead.  This may not have been the path I saw myself taking, but it is my path to follow...but at the end of the day I am a parent: I am here to love my children unconditionally, teach them and help them discover their place in the world!

Jack's happy face drawing.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anyone can be an Advocate!

I don't know how many people read this everyday, but if you happen to see this on Wednesday April 25, 2012 we could really use your help!

Please help me contact our Members of Congress to ask that they support the ABLE Act and vote it out of Congress. This bill will allow me to save tax-free for the future needs of Jack in the same way parents save for college. It takes 5 minutes and will help our family. Write DONE so I can thank you!
Link to: (

The ABLE Act, ( introduced with strong bi-partisan support, would amend Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Service Code to allow individuals with disabilities and their families to deposit earnings to tax-exempt savings accounts. The funds could be used to pay for qualified expenses, including education, housing and transportation, and would supplement, not replace, benefits provided through private insurance, employment or public programs.

You can read more about the ABLE Act here (
Ask your friends and family to help you pass this important legislation. And be sure to call TODAY!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sick of "Sick"

Looks like the kids are both getting back to normal.  Jack still has a few more days of ear drops, but Peyton finished up her antibiotic Friday.  Unfortunately this weekend I got a sore throat.  It came on slowly but by yesterday afternoon I wasn't feeling very good.  Luckily it was the weekend and Justin was here to take care of the kids so I was able to get some rest. The swelling in my glands seems to be going down, so I am hopeful that in the next few days my sore throat will be gone.  

Yesterday, was the event I planned to raise funds for our Autism Speaks walk team "Jump Up for Jack" and I think it went pretty well. Once we got past the very major problem that no one working seemed to know about the event, things went pretty good.  I am not sure yet about how much money we raised, but no matter how much we are very thankful to everyone for your support! 

Since my only major ailment is that I have a hard time swallowing, I didn't let that stop me from starting up another five weeks of boot camp.  Today was day one and I know that I will be feeling the burn tomorrow and every day after for the next 5 weeks, thanks to my friend LeighAnne.  I may have dropped all the pregnancy weight already, but am still a few (or more than a few) pounds away from my goal weight. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Will post again soon.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Back and busy...

Peyton and I had a great time back in St. Louis.  Staying with my friend Susan and her family was terrific.  We got to spend a lot of time with her 2 year old Jazmine, baby Addison who is 4 months old and her two step daughters Mia and Taylor, who Peyton just adored.  Poor Vince was trapped in the house with 7 women, but he survived it was only 2 more than he is use too :-)

We got back in town Monday morning with plenty of time to come home and relax before picking Jack up from school.  Tuesday was when the business started.  Peyton and I had a playgroup that morning and Jack has therapy after school.  I picked him up and they told me his eyes had some discharge they were concerned about.  I was afraid he was getting pink eye so after the OT appointment I took him to see the Doctor.  Turns out he had an ear infection in his right ear :-(  Since he has tubes he gets a prescription ear drop, which is so much fun to administer, but we are making it work.  They said the eye goo (for lack of a better word) was probably from the ear infection, but they gave me some medicated eye drops just in case.  As you can imagine if the ear drops are a challenge, try multiplying that by 100 and you get how hard it was to put eye drops in his eyes... I got them in Tuesday and yesterday, but since his eyes looked fine yesterday and no more goo was coming out we can rule out pink eye and just treat the ear infection.  I kept him home from school yesterday so he could sleep in and get some much needed rest. 

This morning Peyton started our day out early with a 5:30 AM wake-up.  She didn't go back to sleep, but took a little cat nap in the stroller this morning when we met up with a friend of ours to go walking in the park.  The weather has been beautiful and I am trying to make sure I can at least walk the 5K I signed up to do which will be happening in a little over 2 weeks. 

I hope everyone is having a great day and if any of you live in the area the event I planned to help raise funds for our Autism Speaks team is happening this Sunday:

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

St. Louis bound...

Peyton and I will be heading to St. Louis tomorrow morning.  We will be staying with my friend Susan who I am very excited to see.  We will also be getting to catch up with some of our friends and family.  I have been packing, doing laundry and cleaning up the house so that the boys will be able to have a fun and relaxing weekend at home, while the women of the house are away.  I will be taking Jack to school tomorrow morning and then heading to the airport.  I guess my excitement about this trip shows because one of my friends at playgroup this morning told me I was in a very good mood.  It has almost been 2 years since I have been back to St. Louis so I am hoping to see a lot of people and eat at a few favorites I've been missing while I'm back in town (at least as much that is humanly possible with a 1 year old in tow :-)

I found out yesterday that Peyton was starting to get an ear infection in her left ear. We got her on an antibiotic now and the Dr gave me some ear drops to help with the pain.  I am hoping she starts to feel better quickly and that the drops can help if she has any discomfort during the flight.  She has been a very easy going flyer in the past so hopefully that trend will continue.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, I know I will!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend!

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend.  Jack had good Friday off school and Justin's sister Joyce arrived Friday morning.  The three of us drove out to the airport to pick her up and on the way both Jack and Peyton took a nap.  It was Peyton's regular time for a morning nap, Jack on the other hand had woke up between 3:30 and 4:00 AM so he was also ready for a nap. 

We went to an Easter egg hunt on Saturday afternoon put on by the organization Especially Needed that puts on community events for individuals with special needs.  Jack and Peyton were a little tired when we got there, but once the Easter egg hunt started they both had fun time picking up the eggs and putting them in their baskets.  

Easter Sunday was kind of a dreary day, it was rainy and overcast the whole day so our plans of going to the park got rained out.  We had nice relaxing day at home and I cooked a pork roast and Justin made homemade mac and cheese, which Peyton absolutely loved. 

Today Jack went back to school and Justin went back to work.  Joyce, Peyton and I had a relaxing morning and went out for lunch and to finish up some shopping we had to do at Target.  I just got Jack from school a little while ago and now Jack is playing with the IPad and Peyton is taking her afternoon nap.  I will try and post the pictures we took this weekend later this week. 

I signed up to do the Autism Speaks Team Up 2012 Blast-Off-Blue 5K taking place in Plano on May 5th.  I don't know if I will be ready to run the entire 5K, but I did started doing my couch to 5K workout, so I will see how it goes.  My legs needed a break today since I ran both Saturday and Sunday, but my goal will be to try and run part of the 5K.  If anyone is interested in signing up for this event or interested in seeing if there will be one in your area I have included the link below.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Blast-Off-Blue 5K

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Family update

We had a fun weekend with Justin's friend Parker.  Peyton loved him so Justin started called him her "big friend".  She would walk over to him and want to sit in his lab, hand him things and was constantly waving hello.  Justin and Matt got to hang out quite a bit and went to play some golf at Top Golf Sunday afternoon. 

Justin missed a few days of work this week due to some pretty intense headaches that he has been having over the past 2 weeks.  He went to see a doctor and he believes that he is suffering from cluster headaches.  He gave him some medicine to try so hopefully that will help.

Peyton has been suffering from either a cold or allergies.  I called the doctor and talked to the nurse today and since she hasn't had a fever or any other symptoms they want us to try giving her Benadryl to see if that helps.  If that doesn't do the trick, I will be taking her in to see the doctor in a few days.  Of course I can't just have one sick kid at a time, Jack woke up yesterday with what seemed like the same little cold, but this morning it seems to have gotten a little bit worse.  He also had a small pimple like rash on one of his cheeks?  I checked the rest of him but didn't find it anywhere else.  His temperature was normal so he is currently at school.  When I was on the phone with the nurse about Peyton I asked about Jack's symptoms and she said that if it looks worse or has spread while he was at school to call and bring him in this afternoon. I have become a frequent visitor to the doctors office recently and I was really hoping not to return until Jack's 4 year old well visit but I guess I may not get that lucky.  I just hope everyone is feeling better by the weekend.

We had some really crazy weather down here yesterday, which most of you probably already know since it made the national news.  Several areas around Dallas got hit pretty hard by tornadoes.  We were very lucky that none of the tornadoes made it into our area. 

We are really looking forward to having Justin's sister come in on Friday. I know Jack and Peyton will have a blast playing and spending Easter with their auntie Joyce.

We did the light it up blue on Monday night!  Here is a picture of our blue light:
There were lots of different cities and landmarks that participated in this world wide event.  Click on the link that follows to check out some of the more famous places that participated.  Have a great day!

Monday, April 2, 2012

World Autism Day!

April 2nd is world autism awareness day. One of my fellow warrior moms Heather put it best: this is not a day to celebrate autism but a day to celebrate our children with autism, the parents, siblings, teachers, and therapist who work hard everyday to help find the pieces of the puzzle.

So today I celebrate my baby boy for all the hard work he does every day. He may not communicate in the same way as other children his own age, need to be taught how to do things that other children find "simple" and may get frustrated and melt down, but through all his daily challenges he is our happy and healthy little man!

Tonight we will be lighting up our house blue for world autism awareness day! The link following today's post takes you to the Light it up Blue site that has a list of all the cities in the world that will be participating and how they are going to be showing their support!

Light it up Blue!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Autism awareness month!

Today is April 1st and in most house holds its April fools day, but in our house it is the beginning of autism awareness month. Although every month in our house is autism awareness month this is the time of year to be more proactive and share our story, are challenges and triumphs with others. Even though it hasn't even been a year since we receive Jack's diagnosis we have been addressing his developmental delays and more with different kinds of therapy since he was 18 months old.

My plan is to try and post more often, if possible, and give facts and information on ASD. If anyone has a question please feel free to ask i would be happy to try and answers them. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday!

Today's link is: What is Autism?