We got back in town Monday morning with plenty of time to come home and relax before picking Jack up from school. Tuesday was when the business started. Peyton and I had a playgroup that morning and Jack has therapy after school. I picked him up and they told me his eyes had some discharge they were concerned about. I was afraid he was getting pink eye so after the OT appointment I took him to see the Doctor. Turns out he had an ear infection in his right ear :-( Since he has tubes he gets a prescription ear drop, which is so much fun to administer, but we are making it work. They said the eye goo (for lack of a better word) was probably from the ear infection, but they gave me some medicated eye drops just in case. As you can imagine if the ear drops are a challenge, try multiplying that by 100 and you get how hard it was to put eye drops in his eyes... I got them in Tuesday and yesterday, but since his eyes looked fine yesterday and no more goo was coming out we can rule out pink eye and just treat the ear infection. I kept him home from school yesterday so he could sleep in and get some much needed rest.
This morning Peyton started our day out early with a 5:30 AM wake-up. She didn't go back to sleep, but took a little cat nap in the stroller this morning when we met up with a friend of ours to go walking in the park. The weather has been beautiful and I am trying to make sure I can at least walk the 5K I signed up to do which will be happening in a little over 2 weeks.
I hope everyone is having a great day and if any of you live in the area the event I planned to help raise funds for our Autism Speaks team is happening this Sunday:
Have a great weekend!
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