The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope all the great mom's I know had a terrific mother's day!  I had a very nice weekend.  Justin did all the running around yesterday which included getting the oil changed in my car and also brought home lunch from one of my favorite places, Raising Canes.  This morning I started my day with a shot of DayQuil, because one of the lovely presents I got from my kids this year was a cold :-(  Jack seemed to be feeling much better today, but poor Peyton nose was still running most of the day.  I am really hoping that by tomorrow I will be feeling better.  We spend the day at home, I got a much needed nap and enjoyed a delicious steak dinner!  I got a super cute card and clay pot with seeds to plant that Jack made at school and Justin spoiled me by buying me a new handbag.  I felt very loved this weekend!

We finally got our computer back from best buy so I was able to post the pictures and video I took from Jack's field day.  The field day was put together by the school and the Special Olympics Youth Athlete's program.  There were seven different stations with sports related activities for the kids.  Jack's favorite station was the bowling station.  He really enjoyed pushing the ball down the ramp and loved watching it crash into the pins :-)  He also enjoyed the matching station and the obstacle course.  He did such a good job and never got frustrated or overwhelmed, and had the biggest smile on his face the entire time. 

We are getting very close to the end of the school year and we are still trying to plan out what Jack will be doing this summer.  We are scheduled for an ARD meeting this Friday to add summer services to his IEP.  I am looking forward to getting the details about summer school and being able to start planning out our summer.

I hope everyone has a great week and will post again soon!


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