The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's only Tuesday?

Picture this:  I am cleaning the kitchen, Justin is upstairs working out, Peyton is playing in the living room, and Jack is in the back yard playing with his trains...or so I thought.  Saturday morning after breakfast was over everyone was doing their own thing and I was clean up the kitchen after breakfast, when I look outside and Jack is flipping and flopping on the back patio.  He looks like a fish or like he is trying to walk on a ice. I go outside to find out what is going on.  I open the door and it looks like he dumped water all over the concrete, but when I stepped out onto the concrete (almost loosing my own footing) I realized it wasn't was the gallon of bubble solution he found open (which was my fault) and he had poured it out all over the place.  He was laughing hysterically and apparently enjoying the fact that he was unable to stand up and found it extremely funny every time he hit the ground.  He was even more excited when I had to take the hose and wash all the soap off the porch and him...never a dull moment!

This was a very nice change of pace from the week.  Jack had a rough week.  He was throwing more tantrums at school and at home and just seemed to be much more moody.  He kept getting upset and spend a lot of time stuck in a verbal loop saying things and asking for things he really didn't want.  Thankfully the weekend seemed to bring some relief, but we still had a few moments when things weren't great.  Sometime with Autism, things get bad, then worse, then bad again and you never know exactly why or what is causing new and unexplainable behaviors.  We tryed hard to think about what might be causing him to be frustrated, but sometimes you just have to admit to yourself "I don't know why" and ride the wave, besides it won't be long and another and different one will be along soon :-) for you to try and figure out.

We did however have a fun family time Sturday afternoon at the Children's Aquarium (located at Fair Park in Dallas).  Jack has been very interested in sharks and after our visit his newest favorite is stingrays.  They have an open enclosure so people can pet and feed the stingrays.  Jack was a little hesitant at first, but with a little help and encouragment he started to put his hand in the water and touch the stingrays.  He has a blast jumping around and by the end had his entire arm in the water with the stingrays.  He really enjoyed pushing them back down into the water and though it was funny when they tryed to eat on his arm.  Peyton even tryed to get into the action and was able to touch one or two of the stingrays, but wasn't as brave as her brother. 

Despite the dificult week and moody Jack we a very fun weekend, which also included a birthday party Jack and I went to on Sunday afternoon for Jack's friend Heath who was turning three.  Unfortunately Jack was more interested in running and trying to get close to the lake that surrounded the pavilion the party was at then the party itself, so we stay as long as we could, but had to leave early.  Once he gets it in his head he wants something, its very hard (especially in a new environment) to redirect that behavior.

Today Jack had a much better day at school and did very well at his OT appointment. I am really hoping that he will  end this school year on a positive note.  He only has eight more days before his summer vacation officially starts so hopefully my wish will come true.  The one thing I am looking forward once school ends is being able to relax in the morning and not  have to rush around, waking up kids, making his lunch and to try and get him to school on time ;-)

I hope that everyone has a great week! 

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