The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Thursday, June 7, 2012

One year ago...

So I started writing this yesterday, but of course things got crazy and I was unable to finish...One year ago (yesterday) Jack got his official diagnosis of ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder.  It has been a very educational year full of lots of activity including getting Jack set up with new therapist, since ECI services stopped when he turned 3, and completing his first year of school.  Jack has made some great progress over this past year and looking back I find it hard to believe its been a whole year.  The work he has been doing with his Occupational Therapist, Shannon, has helped him so much.  She has been addressing a lot of his sensory needs which has helped him gain some much needed developmental skills, such as learning how to dress, he's working on buttoning buttons, and learning to use scissor (to name a few).  He has stop mouthing every single toy/object he comes across and his tendency to eat non-food items has decreased greatly.  He has made some progress with his receptive language skills, but in regards to his communication skills we still rely heavily on the PEC system we started a few months back.  We are always encouraging and looking for ways to increase his verbal requesting by being quick to reinforce any thing he does happen to verbally requests.  Jack still has problems when it comes to his social skills.  He doesn't interact with his peers the way a Nero-typical child would at the age of 4, but is a skill he will have to learn over time.  We are always looking for ways to help him learn how to socialize by placing him in more social situations. 

Jack's last day of school was last week, and he is off for two weeks before his ESY programs starts.  The change in his daily routine has been harder on him then I expected.  He has been exhibiting more behaviors and having more frustration tantrums then he usually does when he was in school.  I have been trying my best to keep him on some sort of a schedule here at home, but with all the different variable that come with being at home things just can't be as structured as school...especially when you have a 14 month old added into the mix.  Today has been rainy and when you have a boy who lives to play outside it can be hard keeping him cooped up in the house.  I was able to take them out to McDonald's this morning to play, but he wasn't really in the mood to use the equipment. He did enjoy running around all the tables in the play area, and since 7:30 am isn't prime play area time at McDonald's we didn't encounter any problems.  Luckily, now the rain is light and there isn't any lightning or thunder so he is happily playing having a snack and playing with his trains on our covered patio (thank god for that). 

I am cleaning the house and getting ready for the very small party we are having to celebrate Jack's 4th birthday.  This of course was suppose to take place last Thursday but due to illness was postponed till this evening.  We will be ordering pizza (which is his favorite food), but with the rain there won't be any outdoor water activities, except the rain ;-) of course.

Hope everyone is having a great day and if you live in the Dallas area I hope you are enjoying the rain and the cooler temperatures!


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