The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Week 2

Last week was Jack's first week off school and things started out a little rough, but we got to start out this week with a fun pool play date at his friend Allen's house.  I was a little nervous taking both kids to the pool but with a little help from my friend Jennifer (who's house we were at) and her parents we were able to have a really fun morning swimming.  A while back we went to a birthday party for one of Jack's classmates Hudson and I learned about a great floatation device called puddle jumpers.  So yesterday when I when out to do a little shopping (by myself, thank you so much Justin) I was able to buy him one to wear and be safe while he is in the water.  I also got two new bathing suits and Peyton a cute little baby raft to use which she absolutely loved using to float around the pool!
Jack had a blast at his birthday party last week and the weather turned out to be really nice.  It was a little humid but the rain stopped and the kids were able to play outside and I think everyone had a really nice time.  Here is one of the pictures I have up online of our "not so little anymore" little man after his party:

Hope everyone has a great week!

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