The Griggs Family

The Griggs Family

Friday, August 31, 2012

the first week of school...

Today is Friday and Jack is finishing up his first week of school.  We have had a little bit of a rocky start.  Jack did ok the first day but Tuesday was when he started to have a few issues.  Jack has had a decrease in his outward aggression (trying to hit us when he is upset) and started having more self inflicted aggression.  This started a out a few months back with slapping/hitting his legs, then moved on to his hips and now has graduated to slapping/hitting himself in the face.  When he gets upset in a situation or starts to have a meltdown that is when the hitting will start.  This has been one of the hardest autism behaviors we have had to deal with yet.  Watching our little man get so upset and not be able to tell us why or what is wrong and getting so upset (for sometimes what seems like no reason) is heartbreaking.  We do our best to interrupt/stop this behavior, but the key is to stop him from hitting without drawing to much attention to it at the same time (not the easiest thing in the world to do since the first natural reaction is to say "Jack don't hit yourself") 

The behavior at school has been happening when it's time for the class to go to recess.  I know that playgrounds have never been Jack's favorite activity, but I don't know why he is having such a violent reaction to this particular activity.  I have talked with his teacher and we think it might be that the weather has been really hot and maybe he doesn't like being outside in the heat?  I also found out that recess comes just before lunch so maybe he has been hungry?  I don't know, today I mentioned that when he is hungry he tends to get upset much quicker.  So, I send him more choices for his snack and suggested that they try to make sure he eats well at snack time, or if its possible to feed him before taking him out on the playground.  I am not sure if this will help or not, but its worth trying.  I hope that once he gets more use to the new school routine some of these undesirable behaviors will become less frequent. 

On a much happier note, my sister is going to be coming into town for the weekend!  She is flying in tonight and staying till Monday.  I am very excited to see her and I know she is excited to see the kids.  I have been telling Peyton that Aunt Stacey is coming to visit and showing her Stacey's picture.  She points to her and says "Stayee" its really cute.  She has become quite the little talker and will try and repeat everything she hears.  I can't believe how big she is getting and that she will be 18 months in just about two weeks. 

I am started to hear her wake up from her nap so I will end my post here.  I will be sure and post again soon.  I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!

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