We are just about two and a half weeks away from school being back in session. Jack is all finished with summer school but will continue with OT and seeing his ABA therapist three days a week, which should help the next three weeks not feel so terribly long :-) The kids and I survived the week Justin was in New York, but the kids and I especially was very happy to have him back. We will spend our last few weeks of summer hopefully going to or having play dates and we will have to start doing a little back to school shopping.
I am doing my best to keep the kids active despite the lovely heat wave we have been enjoying. I got the kids a new sprinkler on an outing we took to The Home Depot one afternoon, and one of their new favorite activity is playing with ice cubes outside on the porch. This past Monday we went to an in-home play date and things went pretty good. Jack of course found the toys and was perfectly happy playing and enjoying the new toys. Peyton, on the other hand, still needs a little more time adjusting to the whole play date experience. She does not like it when I leave the room or get to far away, and so far doesn't really enjoy playing with other kids. This morning we went to Burger King and met a few friends to have a little breakfast and play on the equipment. Jack decided it was more fun to play in one of the booths climbing back and forth from one bench to another by walking over the table. Peyton did a little better and liked the giant tiger toy, but still got scared when any of the other kids would get close to her or try and play on the same equipment. I know she will get better with her social skills especially when we can start attending play dates more regularly again once Jack is back at school.
Peyton is getting so big and talking more and more each day, its hard to believe she will be 17 months old this month. Her favorite activities still include chasing her big brother and the cat around, and despite her resistance to playgroups she is very easy going kid. This has been very helpful this summer with the new school schedule and therapy. She always make the best of our time spent waiting for Jack to finish therapy and when we do find ourselves waiting in the waiting room she will spend the majority of her time telling people "Hi" and "bye- bye" She is our little trooper!
Right now Jack is working with Jessi, his ABA therapist, and Peyton is still taking her nap so I decided to do a quick update. We will be leaving for Jack's OT appointment once his session with Jessi ends so I am going to go and pack snacks and water for the drive. I hope everyone is enjoying the last few weeks of summer and having a good week. I will post again soon.
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